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Healing Hands for Healings
Healing Hands for Healings
Healing Hands: Healings CAN be performed distantly through energy, without touching.

COST: $50

The healings being offered are done through energy, distantly.

You can ask for a healing for yourself, or for someone else.

(NOTE: Healings ONLY work when the person being healed wants to be healed. If they have no desire to be better, then they will not heal and not become better. Because of this, healings cannot be guaranteed to work.)

One-Time Healings:

The person being healed is sent healing energy one time or over the course of an entire day.

Upon payment, you must provide a valid email address, as well as the name of the person to be healed, in order to receive the service that you have paid for. Please fill out the form located at the bottom of the Purchase Of Service Confirmed page that comes up after payment is made.

For more informationor on Bernadette Poirier’s Reading go here: Bernadette Poirier: Email Readings…Or visit the SHOP!